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25 January 2021 - 28 January 2021
Virtual Mission Artificial Intelligence France #AINLFR2021

Welcome to the virtual mission Artificial Intelligence France 2021. We kindly invite you to participate in the sessions and online matchmaking to learn more about the Dutch AI sectors and meet new contacts. 

If you are requested to contribute to one of our sessions, we thank you in advance for your presentation and ask you to register at our platform as well.

Visit the platform’s subpage How it works and Matchmaking to read more on how to register and participate in the webinars and the 1:1 matchmaking. 
Please note that your participation is free of charge.

For some program components, it is recommended to purchase VR glasses if you do not have them yet. We will come up with an overview of which glasses are possible.

Closed since 28 January 2021
Organised by
Netherlands 185
France 167
Belgium 4
Luxembourg 2
Germany 2
Sweden 1
Total 361
Company (SME) 79
Startup 73
Authority/Government 59
Other 33
Association/Agency 31
R&D Institution 31
Company (Industry) 31
University 24
Total 361
Profile views
Before event 5181
After event 1036
Total 6217